Want To Start New Blog Journey Learn This Before Start Blogging

Want To Start New Blog Journey Learn This Before Start Blogging

Blogging is basically about good writing skills and a passion for something. If you are a good writer, you can definitely start your own blog, but there are certain technicalities that one needs to understand in order to become a good blogger and to have a nice blogging journey.

Here are some of the tips related to that.

Select a definite niche:

The first thing that one needs to do before starting a blog is to decide a certain objective. You should be clear about the topics on which you want to write articles on your blog.

Selecting a definite niche for your blog helps you in many ways. It will help you in growing your audience easily.

If the objective of your blogs is not identified then it may distract your readers to some other sites. Along with this a blog with a definite niche makes the blogger an expert in the particular field.

You will gain more knowledge about the field you are writing in. The research done for writing the blogs do so. So, it is always better to decide a particular niche for your blog before you start writing for it.

Buy a domain:

For the proper working of your website, you will have to buy a domain name.

This is a compulsory process.

You will have to decide the name of your domain yourself.

The price of your domain will depend on its name. If you are buying a domain name that is very popular, then it will cost you more.

If the name that you have selected for your domain is unique and new then it will cost you less or you can get it for free also. The charge of a domain name that is already in use is high.

So, try to select a name that has not been used yet. Some of the popular domain names are “kart”, “.com” etc. there are various sites where you can buy a suitable domain name for your blog.

Union with the social media platforms:

Now, once you have decided your topics and purchased a domain for yourself, it’s time to link your website with the various social media platforms.

This is a very important thing if you want to become a popular blogger. So, to promote your writings you will obviously need to introduce it in front of people. You will definitely need a stage for that.

Social networking sites are the online stages for the promotions of your blog. Link your site with them, so that people can share the content that they like on your blog.

Also, tell your friends and followers about your website personally, as well as through posting things about your website.

Now, the posts about your website can be in any form. It could be in the form of an image or a video or a simply written post. You can also get a personalized URL of your blog content for your facebook page.

There are various websites that will tell you about how to get a personalized URL, so you can check that as well.

Set a purpose for your writings:

This is somewhat similar to the point mentioned earlier. There should be a fixed purpose of writings.

Before you start a blog start a blog ask a very basic question yourself that what your readers are going to get when they will read your blogs.

Suppose if you are talking about books, then you must decide what kind of books are to be mentioned.

This purpose can be changed in every new article. The point is that none of the writings should be purposeless.

It should be clear whether you are providing a solution to your readers or talking about any experience of yours or anything else. The way of your writing should be friendly.

It should look like as if some known person is talking to them.

Once you have started your blog this becomes very important in order to attract the audience. If you will add examples and personal elements to your writings then the readers will find it relatable and will feel comfortable in connecting with you and your blog.

Search engine optimization:

Search engine optimization is a process that helps you in increasing the number of visitors to your website. This process makes sure that your website comes at the higher positions in various search engines.

So, this is very obvious that the higher your website will appear on any search engine, the more will be your readers. It includes all kind of searches like video, images, writings etc. So, if you are going through this process for your website then whenever a person will insert a keyword regarding your blog content, your website link will show up at the top.

You can submit your blog address to different search engines or they may find you automatically too. The search engines use crawlers to locate the various website.

The automatic selection of the website depends on various factors, which you should definitely check.

Get track of your audience and trafficking on your website:

Now that you are running a fully fledged blog, it’s time to know what kind of people are following you and reading your writings. Once you get to know about your audience, target your writings according to their choice.

When you are set to publish good writings on your blog, it’s time to gain some traffic for your blog. This will not only give you popularity but will also help you in earning money.

The first option for this is obviously searching engine submissions. Once you submit your writings there, it will come in the sight of every person who is searching for something that is related to your content.

The second option is the submission of your blog to other directories too. These can be Myblog, Blogcatalog, etc. The procedure for the submission on these directories is different from the popular search engines.

So, these were a few tips that one should if he or she wants to start a blog journey.