Full Time Blogging as a Career in India Good or Bad? Can You Start?

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Full Time Blogging as a Career in India Good or Not

Blogging has proved to be a great source of revenue and there are many who have managed to successfully give up their full-time jobs to become full-time bloggers. This venture can be successful only if you have a strong plan of action in place.

You should be clear about what you plan to blog about, how you plan to do it and how you plan to build and expand your audience. All those with a clearly laid out plan for blogging also benefit from having the flexibility to adapt and evolve with the market.

The blogosphere is one of the most erratic realms out there. Unlike most conventional jobs, blogging as a profession has been changing in the way it works and the way in which money flows.

While we can keep talking so much about blogging there is one truth that remains – there are not many places where blogging as a profession has been received well.

In India for example, where there are plenty of lucrative jobs blogging is still a difficult career to pursue. The real difficulty here doesn’t lie in the career itself but in the platform that blogging has been offered in the country.

Not many are proud to own up that blogging as their full-time profession

In India and many countries for that matter, there are certain professions that are identified as reputed ones. These are jobs that everyone knows about.

So when you take up any of those professions there is a pride in telling that you belong to the profession when someone asks you about your job.

But then there are not many who know that blogging can be a full-fledged profession with a good income.

There are many who still believe that blogging is just a part-time gig. As a result of this widespread opinion, there are many bloggers who hesitate to even own up that blogging is their full-time profession.

Also with the highly competitive education and examination system out there, there is a pressure on earning a degree and then finding a job.

Blogging is often seen as one of those jobs that often do not match with the degree obtained. And people hesitate to let their educational degrees go a waste.

This is how I have always been doing it

Bloggers who are already into blogging, find very little exposure in the form of new techniques for blogging, and the awareness about the plenty of blogging platforms. They sometimes stick with using only the popular blogging platforms or the ones that others have always been using.

Every single day you wake up to, there is something new happening in the blogosphere. So finding effective blogging platforms that allow you to fully personalize the look of the blog and publishing them on multiple social media platforms will help you come out of your comfort zone.

Where’s the money?

There is a pressure on finding a job that sets on free from financial troubles. Blogging as a career takes some time to stabilize. If you blog for other companies then the income you earn from your blogs might be limited though you would still be spending much time.

When you start your own blog it takes time for you to start generating a significant income from it. In India, there is the common notion that you should find a job that gives you a good income from day one.

How do you define a ‘job’?

The definition of a good job is often misinterpreted. Instead of looking at your job as something you do because you are good at it, often a job is seen as something that helps you pay your bills.

Of course, you would have to think about financial independence but that doesn’t mean that you have to altogether give up all your dreams and passion. That doesn’t mean that you should suppress your thoughts and work on a conventional nine to five job that most people are in.

When the perception widens, when part-time jobs and gigs are also considered as good options of income that is when blogging and other similar creativity based fields can develop.

As hard as it might be to believe, there are many who take up multiple gigs and earn much more income per month than those with a full-time job. There is the fear of job security that shrouds creativity in most people.

Where’s your support system?

Personal, as well as business-related blogging, can both be written and managed remotely. Remote work culture is seen as a flexible option for the ones involved in it.

But there is one common problem associated not just with blogging but with most other jobs that allow telecommuting, and that is the increased expectation from all the sides.

The line between personal and professional lives fades with blogging and some end up spending too much or too little time than what was originally planned, for working on the blogs. There are many who also lack a strong support system that allows them to work at home without any interference.

Learning to balance and set clear boundaries between family commitments and the blogging profession is one way to do it.

Also, sticking with timings, much like you would with a regular job, would help reduce the stress.

It is always ok to flex your time limits a bit but only when you set schedules would you be able to find time for blogging and also spend time on your personal life.

The way in which most of the families and cultures work in India do not allow a good support system. This is one of the common reasons cited by most of the bloggers who still struggle to make it big.

The problems or the challenges faced by the bloggers in India are also the problems that are prevalent in many other countries. Given that blogging is a relatively new entrant to be labeled as a profession, we cannot judge the career in the current scenario.

Now that more and more companies in India and abroad have started hiring bloggers and as there has been an increase in the number of bloggers, we are likely to see a positive change in the coming years.

Full Time Blogging as a Career in India Good or Not
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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