11 Best Ways to Promote Affiliate Products On Your Blog to Earn

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

How to promote affiliate products

Why is it that two people given access to similar resources and opportunities never report similar results?

What makes one person flourish and the other fall behind?

And even with different perceptions of success, what would make one a success and the other person less successful?

Understanding this scenario is important in figuring out why you might outperform (or get outperformed) by another affiliate marketer selling the same product you are promoting on your blog.

In affiliate marketing, you easily find yourself promoting a product which is being promoted by hundreds others affiliate marketers.

What this means is that marketers are always looking for ways of edging out their competition.

Like every other affiliate promoting an affiliate product, you are looking for ways of attracting more traffic which translates to more leads and sales.

But, what is the trick to promoting affiliate products from your blog, and earning good returns from the gig?

Being one of the biggest sources of income for bloggers, it makes sense to work on maximizing affiliate earnings through value addition and the engagement of readers.

This article delves deep into some of the most effective strategies for the promotion of affiliate products, besides product placement.

They include:

1. Product review posts

Product reviews top the list of the most-read contents on online stores, websites, and blogs.

This means that if someone is interested in buying a product, they will read the product reviews first.

The main reason for this is that people don’t want to regret their purchases and if they can learn everything there is to know about the product before buying, the better.

Don’t believe us?

Well, data from Capterra notes that at least 92 percent of consumers show preference to reading online reviews of products before they buy the products, with about 44 percent of these consumers looking for the most recent and the most relevant product reviews.

So, if you are promoting affiliate products, the easiest way for you to increase traffic to your blog and to increase your sales would be through writing product reviews.

Note, however, that as your write product reviews to drive sales, you should also be unbiased. Give your readers actual feedback on the product.

An honest review is more likely to generate sales than a biased glowing review.

Also worth mentioning is the fact that most consumers shy away from products without negatives – it makes sense that nothing is perfect.

So, when reviewing those affiliate products, outline the reasons why the reader should buy the product and also why they shouldn’t.

By doing this, you let the reader decide for themselves.

Remember that 6 out of every 10 consumers will Google product reviews before buying.

2. Product comparisons

While picking one product from a pool with hundreds of other similar products is tough for consumers, even (especially) with comprehensive product reviews, the toughest choices made by consumers come up when they are forced to choose one product over another.

You could, however, use your blog to help the consumers by comparing two products.

For this, pit the features of the products against each other, then determine the winner, in that category (feature).

You need to make sure that you mention every feature of either product, the features shared, and the downside of the product. Simple differences like price or function guide consumers.

After the comparison, give your honest opinion and even pick a winner. Don’t forget to add a few affiliate product links.

Again, don’t be biased.

3. Use affiliate banners

If you are not using an affiliate banner on your blog, you need to start.

You might think of banners as distracting or even a reason for your blog visitors to visit other websites, but, what about the other side of the coin?

Banners will give you new ideas, information, and even tools you could try to increase your affiliate product sales. The trick is to use banners in different places without cluttering your blog posts.

For the best results, place your banner in the sidebar and only place banners for your favorite products.

Note: the key to earning from affiliate marketing lies in understanding your audience’s problems and pain-points then promoting products that address or resolve their problems.

4. Sprinkle the Affiliate links in your content

For this to work, you first have to choose affiliate products relevant to your niche or the ones that address your audience’s pain points.

This step is essential because inserting affiliate links should be a smooth process. The fluidity of the process only comes if you create high-quality and relevant content.

If you are promoting a facial mask, ensure that your article covers things that relate to face masks, for example, The best Face Masks for Sensitive Skin. With this article, you won’t find it hard to insert the affiliate link into the content.

5. Prepare Expert Roundups

To attract more visitors who click on affiliate links and even buy products from your blog, you should let experts weigh.

One of the best ways of doing this involves allowing experts to share their experiences with the product.

The incorporation of expert roundups will improve conversion rates and sales.

6. Write How-To Posts

Rather than tell people about the features of the products, why not give them a how-to-article to drive sales?

These blog posts promise to attract traffic to your site because you not only sell the product but also give them ideas on the use of the product.

7. Product Roundup Posts

A product roundup involves creating a post reviewing top products from one broad category.

Using this post, you could insert different affiliate links.

More Tips:

  1. Share your articles/ blog posts on your active social media pages.
  2. Only promote products you truly believe in
  3. Share your personal experiences with your audience
  4. Come up with resource pages like an e-book to make more money from the affiliate program.

While these strategies do not guarantee an immediate rise in your affiliate product sales, implementing them promises to boost your traffic and engagement.

How to promote affiliate products
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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