How To Find Best Domain Name For Your New Blog

How To Find Best Domain Name For Your New Blog

Have you got a great idea to start your blog? You would have got all the content planned and the design lay outdone but would be struggling to decide on a perfect name for the blog. This is a common phenomenon experienced by many bloggers.

And also by the time you come up with a name for your blog, you would find out that someone has already chosen the same name. There’s nothing more discouraging than seeing someone else blog post with the name you have chosen for yourself.

However, you don’t have to feel low or discouraged as you can’t think of the right name for your blog. Truth is that there are different ways one can come up with a name for the blog that you would not have probably otherwise would not have done it on your own.

Things to keep in mind while deciding on the blog name

Before you start brainstorming for a name for the blog post, you need to take a moment to analyze what the blog name would represent:

  • Who is going to be the target audience?
  • What is the blog post is all about?
  • What is the voice or tone of the blog post is going to be like?
  • Do you have plans to build your own brand around the blog name?

If you are going to decide on a name which is totally irrelevant to the content, then it’s not going to help you in any way. The readers would be given a wrong first impression about the blog post.

Famous freelance writer David Hartshorne suggests one to play with words and phrases before finalizing a name and to ask for feedback from others before taking a final decision.  Below mentioned are few ways which would help you to decide on a perfect blog name.

Deciding on the perfect blog name

The tried and tested methods which most of the famous bloggers use to decide on the name are mentioned below.

Take help from Thesaurus

The biggest help one can get in selecting a name is from a thesaurus. You could just flick through the pages to come up with different new interesting words.

It could act as a goldmine of ideas or inspiration especially when you wish to convey something in a totally different way.

Can you remember when did you last surf through the Thesaurus? For instance, if you quickly go through the word ‘Tips’, it would bring up different suggestions like hint, inkling, buzz, pointer and so on which sounds more exciting than the common phrase “tips”.

Use the blog name generator

One can find different name generator which comes with various creative names. It will allow one to set limits on the type of words you wish to create for the blog. All you have to do is to choose the criteria and submit.

A list of names would be suggested which you can choose from according to your liking. Not only these sites suggest the name but also it lets you know if the name has got registered elsewhere.

Check out the blog names of the competitors

It is best if you could do research on different blogs which you would be competing against and it will also help in getting an idea about the type of blog name which will work for you.

However, you cannot outright copy anyone but it is just the right nudge you need to get the creative juices flowing.

Take inspiration from different books

You could take inspiration from your favorite literature or from the greatest authors. There are millions of books out there which are full of wonderful words and you won’t take much time to find something which is delightful and suits your content.

Play with words to decide on the perfect blog name

It would be quite frustrating for one after coming with a name and then to find out that it’s been chosen by someone or already registered.

You could still keep the original idea and find out the words that sound similar and closely related to the first choice.

You could come up with the alternative name by different methods like using the prefixes, suffixes, phonemes, etc and would actually end up getting a better name.

Consider using different languages

There are many beautiful languages out there which is incredibly beautiful and the syllable and words flow together to create a meaningful unique word.

If the topic you have chosen belongs to a saturated market then choosing an abstract phrase or word in a different language will help in standing out in the crowd.

It is an excellent way to draw attention to one. There are various sites which could help you in easily translating the word to another language.

Try to incorporate humor

Humor and laughter is an infectious tonic which would make the readers smile and you could boost those endorphins just by creating a name which portrays a wicked sense of humor.

However it won’t work if you are writing for a professional blog but if the tone of the article is fresh and fun, then there’s nothing wrong in trying out.

Make use of abbreviations

Just think about different brands and companies that you know of and how they have abbreviated their name.  Abbreviations are quite beneficial as they keep the things sweet and short without affecting the identity and brand.

You could either abbreviate the entire blog name or you could mix it up by using the half-full name and another half in abbreviation.

Use your name

If you have tried with all the above-mentioned ways and still not able to decide on a unique name for your blog post, then you could easily use your own name as the blog name.

There are many professional bloggers who have become successful using the self-named blogs. It helps in easily identifying the blog or article to you and can be easily recognized once the word spread about your blog.