How to Write Blog Post Title For SEO That Rank Faster in Google

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

How to Write Blog Post Title For SEO That Rank Faster in Google

What is in a title or a name?

You pick a rose and call it “yuckydoodle”, it would still smell just as sweet as it did before.

However, if you plan on marketing and selling your rose under the new brand name “yuckydoodle”, heaven knows for sure that you ain’t getting a dime.

The same logic applies in the e-commerce world as well.

When there are so many options available on the internet, how do you garner the most reception to one particular e-commerce platform, product, or your very own blog portal?

The answer is simple but powerful. It all comes down to the name in case of an e-business/product or the titles that you give your posts in case of your blog column.

This article will thus emphasize the need to focus on the titles that you give to your posts in order to ensure high or maximum visitor traffic and also simple tips to write an eye-catching title.

The Need

  1. A Title reveals the substance of your post. It does not matter if you have a great content ready to go live but a poor title. People will not bother wasting their precious time to check if the content matches their expectations. Hence, you need to attract the viewers with the title itself, just like a sales representative at the storefront.
  2. Your Title is the determining factor for the CTR value, otherwise known as the “Click Through Rate”. Thus, in order to generate high traffic to your post, you need to entice your readers with your title.

Tips to Follow

Focus on the keyword(s):

If you are selling scarves, then your flyers and advertisements must explicitly mention that you have scarves to sell and not simply market your business as just another clothing store.

Just as “scarf” or “scarves” are what will fetch you your target customers, keywords are target words that you need to throw into your blog post title in order to capture a wide range of target audience.

Create titles that increase the CTR:

Here mentioned in an article in the Forbes that one must “consider what would make you click”.

It is true that we are all buyers of e-content.

Hence, as a blog post writer, you must personally focus on what will make you click on something that is freely available online.

Will you click on something that calls out “Examples of Energy-Rich Foods” or something that has a headline saying “Eat These To Bend It Like Beckham”, although both these essentially have the same content?

Create titles like your cooking something:

What makes a great dish?

The answer lies in its ingredients. Similarly, what makes a great title?

The answer for this too lies in the main ingredients of a blog post title. However, you must be wondering what these ingredients to cook up a great title are.

These include the use of numbers, strong action or doing verbs, powerful adjectives, trigger words, and negative words.

While not all ingredients may cook the desired title, you can always mix and match to cook up something that is new and eye-catching.

The presentation is everything:

Just as the dish we were cooking, it is not just the ingredients that make the dish great, it is also the way how it is presented to its consumer.

Your dish should be presented in the most mouth-watering manner such that even those who are not hungry will start gaining an appetite at the sight of the dish.

Similarly, you need to present your title in gold packages and red ribbons so that you force even the uninterested readers to click on your title.

Some ways of good blog post title presentation include directly addressing the reader using nouns/pronouns like “you” or “your”, emphasizing on the real value that a reader will gain upon reading the blog post and using words to increase the curiosity of the readers.

Focus on the length:

Nobody likes long lectures nor do they appreciate it when someone cuts short an interesting discussion. It should be just enough.

Hence, you need to optimize the length of your blog post title.

For this, you need to create a title that is neither too short nor something that is too long and reads up to 2-3 lines. Both of which are great turn-offs in the online content world.

Let standard tools work its magic for you:

Using tools is no offense rather it can add more life to your dull and boring title.

Tim Brown, the Owner of an online digital agency company called the Hook Agency, which mainly assists companies to represent themselves online in a better manner has found it useful to “have some type of epic tool or infographics” to boost traffic.

For instance, Brown pitched 3000 blogs with tools such as “Marketing Budget Calculator” and “Blog Post Title Generator”, reveals himself in a blog at the Business2Community platform.

Be exclusive:

This goes without saying. However, you need to etch this tip deep inside your head.

People are always in the search of something new and it is easy to attract a person to anything that is new, even if it means selling the old rose under a new brand name “The Sensual Flower”.

The tagline alone will sell and call for a huge crowd. The reason is that it is exclusive and original.Therefore, be exclusive, creative and original with your blog post title to get maximum traffic.

Thus to cut it short, here is what you must think essentially think of while designing your blog post title:

  1. What kind/type of Blog Post Titles are currently trending the most?
  2. Is your Blog Post Title attractive enough to get you to click on it?
  3. If yes, is the Blog Post Title enticing enough to generate heavy visitor influx?

If you have answers to all these, then your title is a go.

How to Write Blog Post Title For SEO That Rank Faster in Google
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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