How to Find & Write New Fresh Contents and Ideas For Your Blog

How to Find Fresh Contents and Ideas For Your Blog

Tips And Ideas For Blog Content

Have you ever experienced the constant urge for expressing yourself and sharing your passion to help out others? If you can devote a little time, blogging provides you with the excellent platform to share your thoughts and knowledge.

Yu Chin Sun says that his research has revealed that students perceived blogging as a means of learning, self-presentation, information exchange, and social networking.

Whether you have a specific idea on what to write or not so sure about the content, the following ideas and tips can help you to a greater extent on making a popular blog with a good content:

On what to Write:

Blogging gives you the freedom and a wide choice on what to write.  You can decide on the content based on the following criteria easily:

  1. Which field you are specialized: If you are a banker for the past 14 years, what else other than analysis of loans, offering the best financial tips on investment etc is required.  You can help us by providing guidance based on your knowledge and experience.
  2. What makes you comfortable and enthusiastic: Other than your profession you will have many interests like finding the best restaurant which offers Thai food, the best concert hall or the best street which offers you a satisfied shopping experience.  You can write on those.
  3. Don’t want to confine? You do not want to confine your blog to a particular topic, no problem. You can write about a variety of topics and post them.  There is no code or rules to be followed.


Besides the purpose of blogging the following points related to language are to be kept in mind for ensuring the reach:

  1. Analyze your likely target audience. Only if your language corresponds to their level your blog would be most like.  So, see things the way they view and express it in their language.
  2. Simple and precise: Convey your ideas in a simple and precise way. If you complicate things trying to show everything you know, most likely people will quit reading in half the way.


To attract the viewers and to keep them stay on as your readers, you can even create a fight if necessary.  Once the interest is aroused it is easy to get more followers and come out as a successful blogger.

Use Story like the style.

Include more illustrations, examples which will help in better understanding.

A picture does the job of all those paragraphs in which you try hard to explain things.  Especially when your blog is tutorial by nature, step-by-step pictures alone will help the reader have clarity.  That’s when the purpose would be served.  So, add attractive pictures to the correct place.

While providing statistical data, rather than using tables give them as graphs or pie diagrams.


Develop your blog in such a way that your blog is rated the best.  You can use the below tricks to get the job done:


  1. SEO optimization tools will help in getting good ratings and make your blog appear in more searches.
  2. Encourage people to follow your blog.
  3. In between the content, give links to other popular blogs in a related way.
  4. Encourage viewers to share posts, comments etc. This will make your blog interactive.  Viewer feedbacks can help you improve the appearance of the blog page as well the content quality.  You can avoid repeating mistakes.

The bullet points and titles should be so catchy and attractive enough to invoke curiosity.

How to select hot topics:

The most important thing which contributes to the success of a blog is the topic about which articles are written.  You can choose any of the following to strike the best note:

  • Latest in the market:

You can write about the latest in the market.  It can be on the latest home appliances, mobile phone models, LCD televisions or luxury cars.

You can also discuss on latest technologies like cryptocurrency, blockchain  People always are interested in knowing what is the latest. While writing on the latest topics, you can explain their functioning, pros, and cons, value for money etc.

  • Current affairs:

Writing about current affairs lift you to a level of a professional  Make sure you provide the correct facts.  Writing about current affairs gives a wide scope for discussing economic development, global trends, ethics etc.

  • Controversies:

Blogs are attractive to readers and researchers because of their ability to express a variety of opinions and critiques on topics.

When satirical be careful not to be extremely harsh. Instead, you can point out things in a jocular way. Reviews of movies/books/apps

  • Tutorials with contests:

You can use your blog as an excellent teaching tool. If you are tech-savvy you can teach how to use technology.  If you are a great cook, you can post your recipes.

Similarly, you can teach languages, art, etc. Ensure you use step by step methods and pictures adequately to make the reader understand it easily. Conduct monthly contests on the topics and give small rewards.

This will make the reading experience enjoyable and satisfying.

  • Interview videos:

You can interview celebrities and post them on your blog.  It is not always a celebrity who can be interviewed.

You can interview an environmentalist or an organic farmer or an elderly person whom you knew is a health treasure trove.  These are sure to become viral. Ensure you do something different and things which would be loved by all.

  • Travel experiences:

You can write about the places visited by you along with pictures.  By providing details on the best accommodation, food, travel facilities which are cheaper, things to carry without fail etc. you are certain to become famous.

Cover all the lesser known aspects of the place visited and highlight them. Mention the best and worst seasons for the visit and nearby places to cover so that more value is packed in your content.

  • Nostalgia:

When your blog brings the pleasant childhood memories many will like and revisit it. You can write about how things were during those days. It is an evergreen topic for all age groups. Youngsters would love to know new things and elders will want to relive those moments.

A blog need not be always written.  Nowadays voice blog and video blogs are getting very popular.