Best & Useful Blog Subscription Options To Increase Blog Followers

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

Best Useful Blog Subscription Options To Increase Blog Followers

Are you writing good content on your blog?

Are you getting readers but not subscribers, thus reducing your traffic?

Where do you lack?

If you blog, you know how important it is to have subscriptions to your blog. There are hundreds of options for subscription available and we as a blogger tend to think that if we add all the options user is likely to click on any one of them, but beware this can confuse your readers and could lead them into not choosing even a single option.

Here let’s discuss some options that are available for subscription for your blog.

Some of the subscription options for the blog

Now let’s have a look at essential blog subscription options that you must have on your blog. The scenarios regarding SEO are changing and evolving continuously.

Bloggers have to utilize the full power of each and every social media platform like Facebook, twitter.

Add a “follow” button to all the platforms which will help you in increasing your followers and developing your blog. Use email and Google plus network for increasing your blog ranking in search engine.

Some of the useful options that are going to boost your website’s subscription are:

Push Notification:

Use push notifications which will make you target your readers in real time. It is a browser service termed as PushEngage service.

This will allow you to add push-based subscription method. It can be used on any platform from WordPress to BlogSpot or any platform.

It can be used on any browser and is most widely used method for subscription. Somewhere or the other you must have come across this method. It is a free service so go for it.

Subscribe on Youtube:

When you search any query on search engine, you must have noticed that there is always one or two you tube videos that come in the results.

Video blogging is the recent blogging trend which is creating a buzz in the industry. Think if you have to learn a process to install machinery yourself.

A Youtube tutorial would be preferred by you rather than a detailed written blog. This thought process has made vloggers successful. This method only works if you are posting your own videos.

If your service is as such that can be promoted using videos, do explore this option. Add a subscribe plugin in your Youtube account.


Feedburner also is a free service that can be used for getting subscriptions. It is also quite popular as it is free to use, though it has some limitations because of the same.

Feedburner provides with email subscriptions and feed subscription options that are the main things required out of these services. It is a Google product hence trustworthy and worth a try.

Create a Twitter follow button:

If you have a blog and are not on Twitter, you are missing out on a lot of traffic. Official Twitter profile is a must. Post the links to all the new blogs on the twitter account.

Depending on how popular your profile is you will get the traffic to your blog. Twitter is ranked among the top sites which can drive traffic to your blog.

Use Google+ follow button in your blog:

Google launched its Google plus thinking that it will become a social networking site like Facebook, though it didn’t achieve it. It is still the sought out platforms by bloggers out there.

More followers you have on Google+ more it is beneficial to you. Make a Google+ page for your blog and put a follow button there.

Also integrate a +1 button on your blog so that if the readers like your content they can up vote your content by clicking on the +1 button.


Facebook is the most popular social networking site with millions of users. If we look at the search engine ratings, it was concluded that the likes on Facebook doesn’t impact your rankings, but you can utilize this platform to create a brand of your own.

Facebook fan page is a required thing if you want your business or webpage to succeed. Facebook users who like your posts will convert into the traffic to your website.

If they like your content they will be looking forward to your sites content and will most definitely convert into subscribed users.

To promote on Facebook one can utilize various apps like buffer but you can manually share the blog with a personalised feel as well.

Designing of your fan page should be done in such a manner that it tell people of your services as well as is able to engage them.

At Last:

These are the main methods that one can employ to increase their subscription rate for their blogs. These plugins and platforms will help you in gathering quite a lot of traffic and followers.

There are some other optional methods like Pinterest. Pinterest is also gathering quite a standing in networking sites and is being increasingly used for marketing the blogs or articles.

Majorly you will find articles on fashion and DIY on the same. Here to succeed you should use attractive and attention grabbing images so that people are curious to read your blog.

Digg, Delicious , StumbleUpon are some other social media platform, which are not so popular but are those which are used by many bloggers to get subscriptions for their webpage.

Use these platforms to direct traffic to your site. The major reason why all these platforms are used is to send regular updates of your new blogs to your followers and attract new followers.

It is good to be present everywhere but still all things done in moderation yield better result. So don’t make your page look like a jungle of buttons and plug-ins.

You should not overcrowd it. Use few platforms that you personally are comfortable with and can manage on your own.

The point is to not give up and keep trying and attain your goal.

Best Useful Blog Subscription Options To Increase Blog Followers
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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