Tips to Get More Visitors to Your Blog & Increase Blog Readers

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

Tips to Get More Visitors to Your Blog and Increase Blog Readers

Getting raving fans – this is the top reason why most people want to be bloggers.

There’s a feeling of accomplishment that comes with having people read, share, comment, and talk about the content you have written, and how much they love your blog.

But, if you have tried blogging, failed then succeeded or took a break halfway there, you can attest nonchalantly that attracting people to your blog, having steady traffic, and eventually being a household name that earns from blogging takes a lot of grit.

Professionalism also matters you will sacrifice a lot, and you will have sleepless nights.

However, we have some good news; once you determine who your target audience is and you create great content, you can attract more readers to your site, inexpensively.

Keep reading.

1. Understand who your audience is

If asked who your blog is targeting, what would your answer be?

Even before you start to market/ promote your blog on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, you must have a clear idea and knowledge of who your buyer persona, your target audience.

In as much as you want to reach as many people as possible, you cannot say that you are writing for the internet. If your money is on the entire internet, then you should rethink your ideas and purpose of the blog.

With the right audience in mind, you know what you want to write and why.

You cannot be a master of everything, or jack of all trades when blogging.

So, focus on one subject.

Subject specificity will narrow down your target audience, increasing your chances of winning.

Note that once you know who you are writing for it becomes easy and clear to curate the right content.

2. Social Sharing

This is easily the best way for you to attract readers to your blog.

It’s the best way for people to stumble on your blog and you never know, one share from a visitor could be all you need to reach to a wider audience.

The deal with social sharing is its power to create networks where none existed. Social media marketing pushes your content from your network and by creating a web.

If you are not on social media and if your blog lacks social sharing buttons, you are missing out on traffic.

There’s also the fact that social sharing boosts your credibility.

It sends positive signals to search engines resulting in higher ranking and increase in traffic directed to your website.

3. Publish more

You already know that your audience is looking for pure, original, informative, and relevant content.

They want to read something new, and they will stick around if you feed them more goodness.

Now that we have that going, there is something else you should do – don’t leave your readers waiting.

There are billions of bloggers online. Millions of web pages get published on a daily basis. This means that you will be forgotten easily.

The only way to stay on your reader and smartphones/ tablets is by consistently publishing more articles.

Reports from Hubspot indicate that businesses that publish more than 16 blogs in a month get more than 4.5 times leads higher than the companies that publish anything between 0 and 5 blog posts.

And, Neil Patel, the digital marketing guru, and seven-figure blogger recommends increasing the number of blogs you create from 1 to 2 weekly.

By publishing more articles, you will increase your leads significantly, and this increases the traffic that goes to your site.

4. Publishing longer articles

500-word articles are easy to write and might work but, unless you are writing a press release, longer articles attract more readers and search engines love them.

Well-articulated and comprehensive articles are ranked higher on SERPs. Especially when keywords are used well and not stuffed into the article.

Research by Buzzsumo shows that articles with 3000 -10000 words get twice as many shared and even more links compared to 1000-word articles.

Backlinko’s Brian Dean recommends writing search engine optimized articles that are above 1,800 words.

5. Use an Email List

A day doesn’t go by without checking emails. Translate that into the potential number of readers that could have visited your blog after seeing your new blog notification. It is a gold mine!

Even the most successful bloggers swear by email. Email marketing is among the top sources of high traffic to your blog.

If done properly, email marketing easily doubles your traffic.

The best part is that email is simple, cheap, and rewarding.

So, stop sitting on this tool. To make the most out of it, you should get an email management tool and start building your email list now.

6. Optimize your blog

As mentioned, you have to be careful about who you target. But, you cannot target the right audience without an optimization strategy.

With search engines as the leading source of traffic to your website, take the right measures and employ top web optimization strategies.

Focus on keyword research, link building, on-page, and off-page SEO strategies, and lastly, content. Content is invaluable.

What else can you do?


  1. Guest blogging
  2. Create a blogger outreach plan
  3. Comment and mention other blogs in your niche
  4. Feature other bloggers
  5. Do case studies, and publish resource articles.
Tips to Get More Visitors to Your Blog and Increase Blog Readers
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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