Desk Vs. Blogo Vs. Mars Edit Which One Best Blog Editor

Desk Vs Blogo Vs Mars Edit Which One Best Blog Editor

There are multiple editing applications available for bloggers that own a MAC desktop.

These contain various tools that help a blogger in editing his writings. Some of the best editing application for MAC is blogo, desk and mars edit.

Here is a comparison of these three with each other on the basis of the different editing features they provide.


Blogo is a very nice editing app for the Mac desktop owners.

It provides you each and every feature that you look for, in a good editing app. The price of this app is 14.99 dollars.

It not only makes the writing easier and better but also helps in publishing and managing various other blogs altogether. You can write and directly publish your things using this app.

The features of this app are very close to windows live writer. You can create your writings when you are offline and then can publish it once you are connected to the internet.

This app supports all the major blogging platforms like WordPress, blogspot etc. For now, this only supports WordPress, but in coming times it will support platforms like tumbler and bloggers too.

This can also make changes in the already existing published posts and can update them. Replying to the comments of your readers is one of the most important works of a blogger.

So, this app allows you to reply the comments that are coming on to your blog posts. You can write replies for the comment from the dashboard.  Like the reply on comments, giving reference pictures in your articles is also important.

Blogo allows you to do that also. You can not only attach pictures to your blog but can also edit them using this app, as it has an inbuilt editor for pictures.

Along with all these works blogo sets featured images from the desktop by itself. You need to bother about it. It also supports custom fields.

Costume fields are the kind of description that a user feeds in while writing a particular post. This is a feature of WordPress and is also called Metadata.


This app is for both the bloggers and the authors of long writing pieces.

This ranks among one of the best editors for MAC desktop. It helps you in writing without any distraction.

It also allows you to connect with other blogging platforms continuously. The price for this app is 29.99 dollars, which is worthy according to the work it does.

The interface of this app is much better than another editing app for MAC desktop. This is best for people who have a self-hosted WordPress account.

This application forms a separate document for every single post and once the document is made it go it goes and gets attached to the timeline with other published posts.

It does not support advanced editing features like the use of custom fields. One will have to fit their posts in the templates provided by the app as it does not have the feature of customization in it.

Mars edit:

The all-time favourite editing app of all MAC users is Mars edit.

This app is the king of all the editing apps for MAC. This app is originated from the net news wire app. It had been the part of red sweater software for quite a long time.

This is an app that not only supports WordPress but other blogging platforms also, like blogger etc. publishing a new article on your blog from this application is as easy as composing a mail from your phone. The whole format is already set.

You can start from clicking on the NEW POST option from the toolbar. This click will bring the editor on your screen. Then add the headline, tags and then the main content of the post.

The main content can be written directly in the editor or you can write it before and they can paste it at the time you want to publish it. There are various external editors also. They can be used in pasting the already written content on the post editor.

Once you have written your blog, it’s time to choose the category of your blog. On the right side of the window, there exist options for categories.

These categories are made by the theme of your website or the content that you are going to post.

They will automatically start appearing in the category section. Also, if you want to create a new category, then you can create it with the help of Mars edit.

Later on, it will be automatically added to your blog.

Along with all these edits, you can do more changes to your blogs. This application supports the idea of the featured image. You can drag and drop any image matching to the theme of your post.

After this feature, it also shows the status of your post. It will tell you whether your post is changed into a draft or is in private mode. It will also tell you the status of your post when it is published. Comments are the important part of your blog.

Now, this is in your hands completely whether you want the comments to be open, none or closed. This app will help you in choosing the correct option. It not only notifies the user about the status of a post but also notifies other WordPress sites once you link yourself with them.

Once, you are done editing content, you can preview it.

Not only these simple edits but with the help of this app you can even insert pictures in your post and can edit them too.

Go to the toolbar and click the media option there.

Now, select an image of your choice and upload it.

Now, you can edit this desired picture of yours using Mars edit.

The editing can be done in terms of in terms of the position and sizing. You can choose whether you want your picture to be left align or right align. You can also resize your picture according to your choice.

Mars edit not only edits the blogs that are not published but can edit the posts that already exist. Its features make it so amazing that a user can’t hesitate in paying a price of 49.95 dollars.

So, these were some of the differences between the 3 editing application for MAC.