How to Get Fast Approval For Google AdSense on BlogSpot Blog

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How to Get Fast Approval For Google AdSense on BlogSpot

It might look like one of those things that works for everyone, and it might never cross your mind that some people are not approved on Google AdSense, but it happens in real life.

Despite all their painful attempts, some people are just never lucky with their accounts never getting approved.

If you are one of the unlucky peeps, or if you are looking for a smooth process from the start, you are in the right place. In this article is a detailed outline of the things you should do to get your AdSense account approved for your blog.

he good news is that the process is not as complicated as you imagine.

Here we go!

Google AdSense is a leading and the best advertisement platform/company on the internet as it offers different packages to meet its clients’ needs. But that is not all, by employing the best marketing/advertising strategies to your blog, you could earn a lot in revenue.

The paying rates from Google AdSense are higher than earning rates from other advertising networks with great earnings per click rates.

Now, Google notes that for you to apply for a Google AdSense account and for it to be approved, you need a blog or a website.

It also mentions that you must be at least 18 years of age before applying.

Unfortunately, these prerequisites are not enough. You have to do a lot more than you imagine.

What it takes for your AdSense Account to be approved?

Create Premium-Quality Content

You cannot ignore the quality of your blog posts if you are thinking of applying for an AdSense account. This is because it has been shown that Google will easily approve applications from bloggers who create great content for their blog posts.

Contrary to popular belief, a human being rather than a robot will approve the quality of content.

So, you should create original and unique content without any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes. You should avoid thin content, make the content readable by using headlines and bullets, and do not publish your posts if they do not give your readers value/ useful information. Don’t forget to proofread your content.

Also regarding content is the issue of posting insufficient or copied content – the top reason for unsuccessful applications.

There are no two ways around this – your blog posts should provide sufficient information, always.  Content that’s curated poorly or isn’t readable, or with errors is easily rejected.

To be on the safe side, create high-quality content with no errors. The blog post should be between 300 and 500 words, although writing blog posts with 500+ words is the most preferred solution.

Revamp your Site Design

The design of your blog or website is not just a factor that affects technical SEO as it largely influences whether or not your AdSense account gets approved. Keep your website mobile and user-friendly and responsive. It should also have clean and clear navigation.

Also about your site is the page structure and availability. If your blog or website lacks the About Us Page, Contact or Privacy Pages, do not bother with applying for a Google AdSense account.

The inclusion of these pages is essential because the pages will be used by Google AdSense to determine whether or not you will be working together professionally and if you will run things according to their privacy policy.

Creating these pages is easy, and you can find free privacy policy generators online.

Don’t forget to include your brand’s logo in your blog and always confirm that the layout of the site is responsive and professional.

To improve your blog design, you might want to use professionally-designed templates like the ones on

Great blog design is clean, professional, simple, easy to navigate by the user, and fast-loading. It also employs proper use of menus, no useless widgets included, and it is SEO-friendly.

Check the Number of Posts Published

While there is no exact number of recommended or required blog posts by Google AdSense, you should make sure that by the time you are publishing your content online, the quality is exceptional.

Note that one article on the blog is not a good place for you to start, you might need at least 20 or 25 well-written blog posts, each of at least 600 words.

Get Rid of Other Ad Networks

If you use ad networks like the Amazon affiliate links or others that provide ads, you must remove those site links from the blog before you send in your application.

Domains for your site should be top-level

Your account will never get approved if you are still using simple and generic subdomains such as

According to the new Google policies, approved sites, the sites preferred by Google are the ones from top-level domains like .net and .com. fortunately, these domains will not break the bank.

Be Careful with the Type of Content Published

If your blog is about drugs, pirated software, pornography or adult content, cracking or hacking, and everything else that is considered illegal as per Google’s Policy, then your account will be rejected.

Avoid Illegal Sources of traffic

If Google determines that the traffic to your site is from paid or illegal means, as per the requirements of their policy, there is a high likelihood of disapproval by AdSense. To be in the safe zone, get traffic from social media or search engines.

Verification of your name and the email address

Wouldn’t it be painful if you do everything recommend above only to receive a decline notification because you forgot to add your blog’s email address and name, as well as the details of the applicant?

Note that you should make your application online, and your application should have your website URL, the individual name or your business entity name, your name or the name of the person you are applying for, as well as the mailing address, email address, and the phone number.

You are only required to provide your bank account or TIN details after approval. The application takes a few minutes.

Finally, you should know that you cannot, ever, apply for a Google AdSense account with an account that has been used in Google AdSense before.

Expect approval within 24-48 hours. Keep in mind that you can be temporarily approved to place ads until you meet some other verification steps.

Don’t forget that Google will be monitoring your actions to make sure that you are not clicking your own ads or even sending out suspicious traffic – all these happen during the temporary approval period.

So, there you have it – do everything right on your end, and your account will be approved!

How to Get Fast Approval For Google AdSense on BlogSpot
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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