How to Build an Targeted Email Subscriber List For Email Marketing

how to build targeted email list

From everything you’ve read, all email list building strategies seem to be linked to a website, but, here you are looking for ways of building an email list without a website or a blog. Sounds familiar?

Well, this article will give you fresh solutions to this paradox in email marketing. It has everything you need to use to build a huge email list, even before you launch your product. These strategies will get you subscribers even before the big launch.

So, let’s jump right to it!

Host Giveaways

For the rapid growth of your email list, hosting giveaways is an excellent place to start. Why?

Well, people love giveaways, and this is a great way for you to give your audience something even before your main product is unveiled.

It also works because giveaways are deadline-driven which means that they create a sense of urgency for your campaigns.

Also, should you partner with other businesses or influencers, your giveaway will go viral, and you will attract many subscribers. Also, with your products in the works, leveraging your partners’ products make you look and feel legitimate, growing your subscribers’ list in the process.

With all the promise that giveaways give, how do you find giveaway prizes? Here’s the secret: businesses are willing to give you their products as giveaways if asked — all you need to as is what they are getting out of the partnership. If hosting the giveaway will give that company a great reach, then you are on the way to getting great sponsors.

But… what happens when you don’t have a huge social media presence, yet? Well, here is what you might do – offer the sponsors a share of the email addresses gathered from the giveaway. And to be on the right side of the law, make sure that you mention in the terms and conditions that you will share the information of the giveaway participants with a third party.

A site like PromoSimple is a great place for you to start when you don’t have a website.

The only problem with this strategy is that you have to find ways of filtering out people who are only there for the free stuff. After hosting your giveaway, keep your email list from the giveaway separate from the main list of subscribers.

You could then send out your first email series with a strong CTA asking disinterested parties to unsubscribe in case they are no longer interested in receiving emails from you.

Note that for you to get qualified subscribers, you might want to make sure that your freebie is well-researched and extraordinary. Also, make sure that your giveaway delivers great value.

Build your landing page and incorporate a lead magnet, as well as a sign-up form

You want to make sure that your prospective clients or customers will enter their email addresses once they are directed to your page.

For this to work well, you have to carefully select the lead magnet that will have the greatest effect. You also need to choose a platform that will allow you to build your landing page easily then host your campaign.

For the creation of a successful and highly converting landing page, you might want to focus on creating a concise and attractive headline as well as a supporting headline.

The copy should be persuasive with every detail of the lead magnet (benefits and answers to expected questions), it should include a video/ image or both, and you also want to include testimonials (from friends/ family) for social proof. Don’t forget to incorporate a lead-capture form.

Coming Soon Landing Page

Building a complete business website or blog will take time, but it doesn’t have to hold you back. You can build your subscriber list while working on the website by promising your audience of the big news. In the process, gather email addresses.

How do you make this work?

First, select a landing pages’ tool like LeadPages. This tool lets you put up a simple one-page site that you can capture email addresses with. The best bit is that the tool is easy to use, and you don’t need any technical knowledge.

Once you have the right tool, find your best email marketing service like Aweber or ConvertKit or MailChimp.

Integrate the email marketing service with the landing page created above. All you need to do here is to link the email marketing service selected to the landing page.

Next, share the Coming Soon landing page with your family, friends, and acquaintances.

While LeadPages presents a great way of creating an opt-in form, you could skip that step altogether if using a MailChimp or even Aweber because these software solutions come with built-in landing pages.

Guest Posting

For you to get in front of a big audience, you might want to post content in the popular blogs. But, you shouldn’t guest blog on any blog, you need to make sure that the blog is in your niche. You also need to make sure that you include at least one link to your giveaway or landing page and don’t leave out your bio.

Some of the best places for you to the guest blog include your top favorite blogs, Google, and always go with the reading needs of your target customers.

Now pitching your guest blog is a big thing – make sure you follow all guest posting instructions and mention a thing or two about your business or yourself.

Using Social Media

While email marketing promises higher and better returns than social media, you need to leverage the power of social media networks to build your email list.

To make the most out of social media, you should consider optimizing your profile and include a link to your lead magnet.  You also need to create the best lead magnet (great eBook, coupon, etc.) coupled with irresistible CTAs. Again, you need a great landing page.

Whether you are using Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, make sure you set up a business account, use the target keywords in the bio and name section, and join communities in your niche.

Other places to get email subscribers from include Medium and Quora. Your final strategy should involve the creation of highly engaging visual content.