9 Benefits of Using Social Media For Marketing Your Blog/Website

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Benefits of Using Social Media For Marketing Your Blog Website

Social media marketing is an effective marketing approach for any blogger who wishes to expand his reach.

It is a powerful marketing tactic if your goal is to spread the word about your blog.

You can expect it to work regardless of what your blog theme or niche is.

Here are some of the most incredible benefits of social media marketing in blogging.

These benefits may encourage you to take advantage of the power of social media in your marketing campaigns.

1. Guarantees Brand Awareness

Using social media for marketing purposes is a cost-efficient technique in syndicating your content and boosting its online visibility.

It can help build brand recognition and awareness as you will get the chance to engage with a wide target audience.

Remember that even the simple act of interacting with people using your content is enough to boost brand awareness.

It also serves as your starting point when it comes to building your credibility and reputation in the business industry.

Keep in mind that every shared post will expose you to a new group of people.

This can result in potential customers.

It can also increase the number of people who are familiar with your blog and business, which is good for your brand.

The good thing about social media marketing is that it only requires several hours of work every week.

This effort is already enough to give your business a decent exposure.

Undoubtedly, your social media pages will do your brand a lot of good.

Just make sure that you treat your blog as a brand.

Your goal is to reach out to a wide range of people through your content.

You can achieve that by exerting efforts in gaining an extensive reach on various social media platforms.

It is crucial to have a distinctive social media presence.

This will allow your readers to recognize you, your blog, and what you offer right away.

2. Strengthens your Domain Authority

You have a higher chance of attaining success in blogging if you have a full understanding of important terms, such as page rank and domain authority, among many others.

These terms serve as metrics that you can use in figuring out your blog’s overall value.

You can strengthen and boost your blog’s domain authority through several means.

However, one of the best and simplest solutions is digital and social media marketing.

What you should do is to take advantage of various social bookmarking platforms.

Keep in mind that search engines find social bookmarks significant.

That said, if you link your blog to a famous social media or bookmarking site then there is a great chance that your domain authority will also grow.

It is also advisable to add backlinks to your content.

3. Helps in Generating Traffic

The good thing about the traffic generated from social media marketing is that it is niche-oriented and free.

If you do not implement a social media marketing campaign then you will only have limited inbound traffic.

You need to use social media in marketing your blog to prevent limiting your reach to only your loyal customers.

Note that each social media page you create and integrate into your marketing campaign serves as a gateway to your site. Each blog post also opens up a new opportunity for acquiring new customers.

Also, remember that numerous social bookmarking sites are available all over the web.

Some sites consist of users who might be genuinely interested in your posts.

Once you find these users, it is easy to encourage them to read your content.

This can benefit your site since you will be getting free and targeted traffic.

The fact that social media consists of different kinds of people who have different behaviors and backgrounds can also further expand your reach.

You can syndicate your content to several of these platforms.

This will let you tap on these users and direct them to your site organically.

Deciding to use social media marketing can, therefore, provide you with an opportunity to reach a wide range of versatile readers and customers from different parts of the world.

4. Generates Positive SEO-oriented Results

Social media marketing and search engine optimization are two topics that have a really strong connection.

In fact, it is easy to turn your social media pages into your most influential SEO weapons.

It is even possible to use social media platforms as your link builders to increase your search engine ranking.

Also, remember that when using social media, you need to avoid underestimating the power held by your followers. They can contribute a lot in making your presence felt online.

It is even possible for you to run a hashtag marketing campaign then take advantage of it in terms of boosting your SEO results.

This is extremely helpful in crawling your blog, a wise move often done by a lot of major search engines.

If possible, add some relevant hashtags each time you post an update.

Also, do not forget to mention the handles of some relevant users.

5. Promotes a Higher Rate of Conversion at a Lower Cost

What is good about social media marketing is that it increases your conversion rate without requiring you to spend a lot.

Unlike other costly traffic-generating techniques, such as CPM and PPC advertising and the use of banner ads, social media marketing is not only inexpensive but also highly targeted.

It increases your visibility, which is helpful for your business as it increases your chances for conversion.

Each time you post a blog, video, comment, or video, your readers and viewers will most likely be directed to your site and boost your traffic

Any good social media marketing campaign makes it possible for your blog or business to leave a positive impression on your target audience.

Just make sure that you do it via a humanization approach.

Show how interactive your brand is by commenting, posting social media updates, and sharing content.

This is a big help in personifying your brand.

It is also the key to establish a positive relationship with your customers and target audience.

Remember that a lot of people are already using social media platforms to get in touch with their loved ones and the community.

Since they are already engaging and talking, you can also throw your brand to the equation.

This will prompt some of them to mention your brand to their loved ones each time they feel like what you offer is needed.

Just make sure that you show proof of how trustworthy your business is.

6. Gives your Content the Chance to Be Shared

With social media marketing, your content has a higher chance of getting shared online.

In fact, many entrepreneurs consider it as the easiest and the quickest way to target more people.

Just make sure that your content is interesting and informative so you can increase its visibility.

Social media users love to share informative and engaging visual content on their accounts.

By delivering enough information to your target audience, your blog content will most likely go viral.

Determine the kind of content that your Twitter or Facebook followers like to share.

You can turn your followers into brand ambassadors.

This will allow your blog posts to reach a wider audience without you exerting too much effort.

7. Cost-effective

Another reason for using social media marketing is its cost-effectiveness.

You can actually sign up and create an account in a number of social networking sites for free.

If you choose to spend on paid promotions then rest assured that the total amount is still lower in comparison to other marketing techniques.

As a low-cost marketing approach, social media marketing allows you to enjoy a bigger ROI (return on investment).

It also lets you set aside a bigger amount for other business expenses and marketing tactics.

8. Better Crawling of your Blog

Social media marketing is also rewarding for bloggers like you as it can lead to the faster and better crawling of your blog site.

You can promote your content on your social media accounts, which is the key in deeper and better site indexing.

Another thing that you can do is to create resource pages.

This tip can maintain the relevance of your old posts, making them shareable on social media.

9. Promotes Two-way Communication

What is good about social media is that it promotes two-way communication.

It gives you the opportunity to gather more information about your target audience.

You can use it in learning about their interests and gathering feedback.

Make it a point to interact with your audience by letting them share their ideas and thoughts and ask questions about your blog or brand. This is the key to understanding them.

What is even more exciting is that you can send your responses right away.

You do not have to pick up your phone nor worry about the recipients not seeing or reading your responses.


There are several benefits of social media marketing in blogging that you will enjoy if you know exactly how to use this approach to your advantage. It can even lead to brand domination.

All it takes is to use the power of social media to convert your blog into a global brand.

When that happens, expect active users to talk about your site and its content on a constant basis.

This is helpful in establishing the authority and reputation of your blog, resulting in the generation of more organic traffic.

Benefits of Using Social Media For Marketing Your Blog Website
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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