How to Start Your First Blog Network: Important Things to Know

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

How to Start Your First Blog Network Important Things to Know

A blog network isn’t something that can be done in a week. There are only two ways to accomplish something that involves multiple responsibilities: Do it in a steady, organized way or do it aggressively fast.

One of the things to know while starting a blog network is that sloppiness doesn’t earn good reputation; nor does it provide quality content. Quickening things up should not be an option here.

Even so, it doesn’t have to be a slow progress.

It’s possible to set up a blog network quicker if done properly and with lesser mistakes.


The financial aspect is probably one of the first yet haziest parts about starting a blog network.

Setting up the network requires some money and contributions between the founders can be discussed. It’s in keeping the network running that will demand more effort, a financial plan, and payment system.

Here are the basic necessities that will need funding when setting up a blog network:

  • Website (domain, site, design and layout)
  • Content
  • Market research
  • Advertisement

It’s necessary to have a high quality website for a network. Buying a domain and hiring a designer come first — even before the launching and propositions.

Impression matters a lot in modern media, so it’s only sensible to work on the quality of the network and its site before offering its advantages to other blogs.

There’s also the financial aspect of market research and advertisement. It’s important to know the current trends in order to convince people to subscribe or follow the network. It’s not just for the viewers but also blog owners who may be eligible for partnership.


Planning makes network management itself feel smoother — not particularly easier, but uncomplicated at the least. Preparations for making a blog network won’t involve just one list. Careful planning on these significant areas is required:

  • Funding and market research
  • Desired network population
  • Blog network and individual blog niche
  • Blog post frequency on each blog
  • Network milestones
  • Platform for blog management
  • Outsourcing
  • Communication system
  • Scheduled meeting/sections update

This list shows the bigger picture of the network itself and its needs. The management of teams will directly affect how these areas will fare in the long run, which is why another list below exists.


The larger a blog network is intended to become, the more people will be needed to keep it running. That means some interference with the blogs in the network and may even include providing a customer support system. Creating multiple teams for better management is necessary.

Each team should be designated across these sections:

  • Article and Content (with Quality Control)
  • Graphic Art and Web Design
  • Social Media and Network Management
  • Promotions and Campaigns
  • Technical Support
  • Customer Support (if needed)

Depending on the purpose of the blog network, other services or teams can be added, if not outsourced. Instead of building a team, hiring just one person for occasional needs like market research will suffice and help cut costs.


Managing blogs, especially those directly produced by the network, requires intricacy. One of the first things to know while starting a blog network is determining how many blogs will be in it.

Each network’s population preference varies greatly. For instance, blog networks focused on the commercial aspect will benefit from larger numbers of blogs, say 50 at the least. Community-focused blog networks will function best with a modest population.

The higher the number of blogs in a network, the more difficult it becomes to manage, and furthermore will require larger teams. Private blog networks often involve around a dozen blogs at most and five at the least, enough for an independent group to manage.


Quantity shouldn’t be the sole focus of a blog network but also, and more importantly, quality. There needs to be a common niche surrounding the blogs involved with the network.

Will the network be about sports and entertainment?

Will it focus more on family and lifestyle?

What will the network provide that all blogs within, and its readers, will find commonality in each other?

The idea is to create a sense of community among blog partners and readers so that there’s affinity with the network.

Unique Blog Attention

Each blog will need attention. It’s important to understand their unique needs to improve traffic.

The key to a formidable blog network is high quality blogs with steady traffic, high number of followers, and great reputation. Enforcing scheduled posts and providing regular promotion of the blogs will greatly help.

A community for all partner blogs is also necessary,  asit will encourage blog hosting, guest posting, and post sharing, which will boost traffic for every blog.

Frequency and Quality

It’s not one of the most surprising things to know while starting a blog network: Blog quality is vital.

Today, people rely on technology for everything: news, entertainment, self-help, education, and so on. And with so many options online, viewers gain and lose interest almost instantaneously.

This makes keeping quality content updated vital; it keeps the traffic steady. Deciding which blogs to partner with and which posts to share will help determine the network’s prominence online.


Society evolves and what people look for and like to read change along with it. Knowing what kind of people come and stay at the site helps to narrow down the target group.

It prevents aimless marketing and will clarify what the blog network needs for improvement. Suffice to say that it’s one of the keys to keep it afloat.


Blog networks can either be big or small. It can be done with a tiny, independent group or a large, corporate team but it can’t be a one-man show.

Mistakes are easy to run by because a network, no matter how small, is still big enough that it requires team management. Expense management, quality control, and logistics are just some of many responsibilities and they are not easy tasks.

Of all the things to know while starting a blog network, what needs repeating is that a blog network is only as good as its blog.

Starting a blog network with only newly-formed blogs that never experienced the spotlight is a sure way of invisibility.

The best way to ensure success is by partnering with professional and successful blog owners first. Ultimately, successful blogs equate to a successful blog network.

How to Start Your First Blog Network Important Things to Know
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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