How to Get Free Traffic for Your New or Old Blog Quickly

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

How to Get Free Traffic for Your New or Old Blog Quickly

Every day, millions of blog posts are uploaded and published. And with over 300 million blogs on the internet, fighting your way to the top of search results is tough work.

But if you know what to do, you can make your new blog succeed by getting the most traffic.

Traffic, in blogging, is the amount of views your blog gets. It is like a measure of popularity of a website. The more traffic a site gets, the more people are viewing and clicking on them.

To get traffic, bloggers need to perform several steps after launching their blog. Some are easy, some are tricky. But nonetheless, everything counts when it comes to driving traffic. If you don’t get traffic, no one will read your blog or even find it.

If you have a new blog and you want to join those at the top, then you should first master these five important steps:

1. Submit your Site to Google and other search engines.

By submitting your blog to Google Submission, you’re helping them detect your blog and start indexing it. This method is the fastest way to have your blog indexed by search engines.

If you don’t do this, it might be impossible for you to make a breakthrough.

How to submit your blog:

  • Go to Google Submission
  • Enter your blog or website’s URL
  • Then submit

Other search engines like Yahoo and Bing also have this kind of submission feature. Submitting your blog to multiple search engines will increase your blog’s chances of being found by your target audience.

2. Get your blog listed in blog directories.

Another place where you should submit your blog is a blog directory. Directories can help introduce your blog to your target audience.

Just make sure that you submit your blog to the right category or niche. Some directories can also help promote your blog aside from simply adding it to the list.

3. Use the power of social media.

After launching your blog, you need to put your social media accounts and pages into work as well. Almost all the people in the world use social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

If you have plenty of friends or connections in your network, they can be your first readers and subscribers.

All you need to do is send them a message announcing your blog’s launch.

By asking for their support, you’ll encourage them to spread the word and help drive traffic from their networks. In generating traffic, there is nothing more powerful than social connections.

4. Seek out other bloggers of the same niche.

If you are following other bloggers of the same niche, you should try to reach out to them.

Let them know that you are a new blogger and you would like their help in promoting your content.

You can do this by leaving comments on their posts, offering to write a guest post for their blogs, or inviting them to write a guest post for your blog.

If there is anyone who can understand the hardship of launching a new blog, it is them. By reaching out and making connections, you can form alliances with other bloggers.

That way, they can help promote your blog and you can also help them promote their blogs—win-win.

5. Write only valuable content.

The most important factor in blogging success is the quality of your content.

It’s easy to write away your ideas, but it takes skill to create content that is truly valuable to your audience. To create valuable content, you must think not only of your own ideas but also your reader’s needs.

No matter how polished your posts are or how perfect your grammar is, if your readers don’t find it helpful, it’s won’t be valuable.

Focus first on exploring what they want and write from that perspective.

Once your readers find that your blog posts are indeed valuable, they’ll be more likely to follow your blog and promote it to others.

6. Come up with good titles

The choice of titles has a significant effect on how many people you can capture through your blog posts.

You can have good content, but if the title is not appealing enough, not many readers will bother to open your post.

Work on getting good titles to boost organic traffic and captivate more readers.

When creating a title for your next blog post, try to find a balance between a human-friendly and an SEO friendly title to achieve maximum exposure.

Remember to include the relevant keywords in your title so that you can make it easy for search engines to understand your page.

7. Conduct keyword research

For you to create excellent content that can make you get significant traffic on your blog, you should do keyword research.

When you learn the phrases and keywords that are popular in your niche, you get to comprehend your niche. Conducting keyword research increases the possibility of getting both social and organic traffic.

Such blogging efforts can help you get a high return within a short duration.

Make use of the Google keyword tool to help you gauge the number of people who search Google for a certain keyword every month.

You can also use search engines to research a keyword based on social media popularity.

8. Publish frequently

Once you have grabbed good content, you need to increase the frequency of publishing blog posts. All successful bloggers use different strategies, but they share one thing- consistency.

When you are consistent in publishing your articles, you form a bond with your readers and give them an incentive to keep on revisiting your page.

It also allows search engines to look for new content from your blog. The aim of search engines is to satisfy users by delivering accurate and up-to-date information in their search results.

When you keep on updating your content, you increase the likelihood of them picking your content fast. To achieve this, you need to come up with a publishing schedule that you can stick to for long.

Remember that publishing a post every day may not be a good idea especially if your blog is still new.

9. Come up with an email lists

An email list is crucial regardless of your niche. Though social media seems to have taken over, people still value the use of email.

Use this avenue to collect emails from your site’s visitors and send out emails to them regularly. You can let them know about new posts, products or even offers that may be interesting to them.

10. Patience is a must

As you pay attention to all the above points, you need to remember that it took time for Rome to be built. In the same way, getting new traffic for your blog may need time.

While some people achieve this within six months, it may take a year or two for your blog to become popular. The duration depends on different factors and your efforts.

You need to remain patient for you to see any progress. Channel your energy from being anxious about seeing your posts on Google and focus on improving your content every day.

Some of these methods could take some time and some hard work to take effect. But no matter how hard or how long it takes for you to drive traffic to your blog, it’ll be worthwhile.

There’s no short cut to success; it is only earned when you work for it. If you want your blog to succeed, you’ll do everything–big and small alike.

How to Get Free Traffic for Your New or Old Blog Quickly
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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