How To Create Better Contact Us Page To Improve Site Authority

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

How To Create Better Contact Us Page

Let’s let you in on a secret- the contact page of some sites gets more views than any other part of the site for some companies. This especially stands true for contractors, agencies and such groups.

Now, many sites also just kind of throw in a quickly made contact us page like an afterthought when they should definitely be dedicating more effort and time towards it because for many it can be the beginning of a potential relationship with customers.

Remember that people may decide that a brand is not worth their time if they don’t even pay attention to how the contact page looks for their website.

So let us discuss some contact us page practices as well as some example of contact pages which nailed it:

Don’t make grammatical mistakes:

In a contact us page, it is important to ensure that grammatical errors don’t pop up.

While people can give it a pass in other sections, but any such mistakes can make the visitors think that you are not serious about your job if you can’t even be bothered to proofread your work with a keen eye.

Don’t complicate it:

This generally means that you should refrain from adding too many barriers between the readers/ visitors and the contact information. Add the contact page link where people can see them and keep the page itself short, simple but informative.

Don’t be a bore:

Just give the visitors what they want when they click on a contact us page link. Refrain from putting in a contact form in the page at all as it makes people think that they won’t hear back or they won’t know where in the priority list they fall.

So even if you are interested in their business, you might miss out on it as the people might move on to someone better. Just make sure that whatever way you opt to set up your contact page, it should be easy for people to get in touch with you.

If you do have to use a contact form then only ask for their essentials like name, mail ID, message and address. Anything too much can bore visitors and make them leave the site for better pastures.

Don’t make it dull:

know more about you and your service so the page must be attractive, stylish but relevant to the service you offer- it can be in terms of theme, colours and more.

A contact page’s looks will be the first impression on a visitor’s mind, and so it should reflect your brand persona.

Don’t be vague:

Tell people what all the information you have in regards to contact information and all the ways they can approach you.

Tell them of the support system you have in place for the customers, tell them that you keep an eye on the requests received and make sure to attend to it as soon as possible- it feasible to add in that you attend to these at specific times during the day.

This way you will be able to channel the traffic to times when you have time to check it out.

Don’t be lazy:

The contact us page has to be seductive and grab attention sob that you can get business. Think that it’s like a date and you need to seduce them to go on a relationship with you.

So don’t be lazy and get working on a contact page which works on a basic level at least.

Now, let us check out some examples of websites with great contact us pages so you have reference to look for:


If you head over to their contact page then you will find a very simple contact form which can be filled up pretty quickly and includes pretty much the same details we mentioned you should ask.

But what’s more is the style, personality and charm of the page along with the fact that it includes loads of contact options.

Yellow Leaf Hammocks:

You might think that the contact us page is just a place to share information but remember that the more you humanize the page instead of just adding number jargon the better.

So if like Yellow Leaf you too have a great story on how your service or product changed the life of people, as Yellow Leaf did with artisan weavers then do make sure to include it.

Use good graphics and designs to tell this story and make and capture the attention of an audience.


One thing to learn from Apptopia is to eliminate jargon.

How will customers even get to properly know about your service if they can’t figure out what exactly it is you are offering or what your terms and conditions are?

You may sound super smart, but it really isn’t of any use if you can’t attract a wide variety of customers with it. So keep the talk straight, simple and understandable.


Don’t stick to just writing about the company’s mission statement and origins, try out something different if it suits your brand so that it is compelling and intriguing to a first-time reader.

Moz here chose to share its milestones using clean and fun designs which Incorporated concise blurbs, clear headers and small graphics.


Their contact page shows locations on a map and informs readers about their department contacts. The way it is shown is attractive and a very innovative way to display some dry information.


Telstra is a good company to take motivation from if your business is down in the dumps. This is because they had a bad reputation in regards to support, but they have made massive strides in improving it.

This is displayed in their contact page as well which gives clear directions to find the right department and also gives options for reading in various languages.

So if you feel like your business could use some more customers then perhaps it’s time to head over to the contact page and make some improvements.

How To Create Better Contact Us Page
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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