How to Create a Blog on Quora to Increase Traffic & Sales

The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

How to Create a Blog on Quora to Increase Traffic and Sales

Do you have a question? Go to Quora! That is the current trend and that is how influential this question and answer platform where people can post questions about anything and get endless answers.

There are some very basic questions that you can find answered on Quora and there is plenty of valuable information shared as well. But did you also know that Quora is one of the simplest options for those who are into blogging?

Adam D’Angelo, the founding CEO of Quora said, “The vast majority of knowledge that people would want access to, they don’t currently have access to, because it is not on the Internet”. So Quora and other similar platforms exist to complement print media and other digital media.

As of June 2017, D’Angelo reported that Quora has over 200 million unique visitors each month. And according to the founder, the website focuses more on the quality of the content rather than the volume.

This focus has paid off and today we find even influential people like politicians, film personalities, famous tech startup founders and others answer questions and discuss important things on Quora.

So if you are looking to become a blogger and also improve your reach then Quora is definitely one of the best platforms out there.

You might not find all the advanced features offered by the platforms designed specifically for blogging but Quora does have several advantages over other platforms when it comes to blogging.

Perks of using Quora as a blogging platform

When Quora blog option was introduced in the year 2013, Quora reported that “Active writers on Quora average 30,000+ monthly views and 350,000+ estimated annual views”.

The numbers have sharply risen over the years and today Quora stands as a go-to option for the bloggers who are new to blogging. It is a great channel for those who are looking for very few features but a very large response to make blogging simpler and more effective.

If you do not already have an audience but wish to be heard then Quora blogs are great ways to start your journey.

You are sure to get instant answers on Quora and these answers also include the response from your audience and valuable inputs that would help improve your blogs and even your writing style.

The number of people and the type of users who use Quora are much higher than that of most other websites.

In the case of specific blogging sites and other websites, there are predefined genres for which people visit them. Quora is one among the few platforms that have content about nearly everything in this planet and those beyond.

So anyone and everyone who is using the internet tends to visit Quora at least once at some point. People with specific content to search for might visit the other blogging sites. But people with questions, people looking for answers might end up at Quora.

How to select a name for your blog on Quora

Before you even create a blog finalize on a name for your blog. Integrating your business name if you are creating a blog for your business is an evident strategy.

If you are creating a personal blog find a unique name that would impress at the first glance. Have a few choices to resort to in case your blog name is not accepted in the first shot.

How to create a blog- a step by step guide

Let’s get to the actual process of creating a blog on Quora. The steps are few and they are very simple. You do not have to worry about spending a lot of time in finalizing a theme or adding various elements or fine-tuning the aesthetics of your blogs when you choose to blog on Quora.

This is one of the simplest blogging networks for the novices who are looking for quick and easy blogging sites.

Below are the steps to create a blog on Quora:

  1. To begin with, creating an account in Quora if you do not already have one. You could also directly create your account with your Google or Facebook accounts. The other easy way is to signup with your email.
  2. Complete your profile before you actually start blogging. People would feel more comfortable reading blogs of writers who have transparently provided credible information about themselves.
  3. Profile details include a profile picture, a brief description that talks about who you are and also your education and employment details. Once you have created your profile, click on your profile picture and from the drop-down menu choose Blogs. On the page that follows, click on Create Blog option.
  4. This is where you enter your Blog name, the URL for your blog and a gist of what your blog is all about. Giving the short description here is a step you cannot ignore as this would describe and create a strong first impression about your blog.
  5. Once the blog is created, you can proceed to customize it by adding a logo if you are creating a blog for your business or your photo if you are an individual creating a personal profile.
  6. You can then choose a color theme to be used on your Quora blog.
  7. Once you have tailored the blog to match your identity proceed to create your first post and edit the visibility and owners of the blog post.

Add all the relevant topics to make your blog easy to find amidst the vast pool of content.

How to increase the popularity of your blogs on Quora?

Once you have created a blog, there are plenty of ways in which you can increase the audience. Start answering questions on Quora. Find questions pertaining to the theme or the industry to which your personal or business blog belongs to.

Adding a link to your blog and even links to your website or social media profiles can be very effective. Remember that questions, as well as blogs, are all segregated into topics.

As long as you manage to fit your content into the right topic you are sure to get a good visibility within a short duration.

Building credibility from thereon depends on the quality of your content and also on how active you are on Quora.

How to Create a Blog on Quora to Increase Traffic and Sales
The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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